Friday, December 22, 2017

Our new life

Hi all, After being quiet for such a long time, it actually feels a bit strange to start again. A lot has happened in-between, but i won't dwell on that. Hubby Toff, myself and the 3 fur-kids, have now got a new place to call home. We live and work at Muchenje Safari Lodge, which is situated in the Chobe National Park in Botswana. Its not too far away from where we used to stay, but here its peaceful, beautiful, quiet, with lots of animals and birds to watch during the day and even some nights. Sometimes we have elephants blocking the way to the Lodge-chalets and our guests have to wait patiently, before they can go to their beds for the night. Lions have passed through, Heyenas, Baboons, Monkeys and the resident leopard can be heard grunting sometimes. We live in Eden, of that i am convinced. Very lucky we are, indeed.